Amid all the remembrances today of Robin Williams and the
tributes to his many famous roles,
The phrase "
Oh Captain, my Captain"
He whispers in the students' ears, rips pages out of the textbook and leaps onto the desk to hail the vital necessity of great literature: "In my class you will learn to think for yourselves again — you will learn to savor words and language!"
We would all be lucky to have at least one teacher like this: a truly great lecturer whose passion for his subject is infectious. In the climactic scene, his students pay homage to a master who has changed their lives.
But this is not the only paradigm for great teaching.
In 1997's Good Will Hunting, Matt Damon is an autodidact — a primarily self-taught genius. He finds an academic mentor, an acclaimed mathematician played by Stellan Skarsgard. But his relationship with Robin Williams' character is at the emotional core of the film.
Williams plays a therapist, not a teacher per se. But it's clear that he's there to teach Will Hunting what he really needs to know: how to get out of his own way, to grow past his abusive and lonely childhood and to put aside his guilt at moving beyond his rough background in South Boston. He does this by meeting Will on his turf, by opening up and by listening as much as he talks.
Back in 1993, California State University professor Alison King wrote an article for the journal
College Teaching
"In most college classrooms, the professor lectures and the students listen and take notes," she begins. She advocated updating this model with one of "active learning," where understanding is constructed in the mind of the student. The teacher is there not to captivate his or her audience, but to get them talking, processing information and reformulating it in "new and personally meaningful ways." This is the "guide on the side" model, with the student placed at the center.
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