Much of President Obama's presidency currently falls into the category of damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
That certainly is true on the question of whether he should visit the U.S.-Mexico border during his two-day visit to Texas.
Some have even taken
to asking
But even Bush offered reasonable reasons at the time for not visiting New Orleans in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane. A presidential visit would have diverted resources from rescue and recovery efforts, his administration said.
As with Bush, there are reasonable-sounding reasons for Obama to go or not go to the border. Here are a few — on both sides of the question.
Against a border visit:
- He won't give Texas Gov. Rick Perry the satisfaction of being able to claim he hectored the president into making a visit. The Republican, thought to be interested in another run for president,
has insisted
- A border visit would bring more attention to the problem and reinforce the impression the president is relatively powerless to stop the human tide of immigrants, especially children, from violence-ridden parts of Central America.
- His press secretary, Josh Earnest, already
told reporters
- His opponents would then very likely criticize the president for doing a border photo op, instead of taking effective steps to stop the influx.
For a border visit:
- The president would take off the table the issue of not visiting the border. That would somewhat neutralize critics,
not all of them Republicans
- He might hear or see something that would trigger new insights into how to resolve the crisis. But that's a highly speculative reason for such a high-profile visit — especially one with as much downside as a trip could have.
- A visit might buoy the spirits of — or at least publicize the challenges faced by — the Border Patrol officers and other federal government workers dealing with the nonstop flow of Central American immigrants, made all the more heart-wrenching by all the children risking their lives on the journey north.
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