The daily lowdown on books, publishing, and the occasional author behaving badly.
- J.K. Rowling has a new short story about the adult Harry Potter, written in the form of a gossip column by Rita Skeeter, the ruthless and fact-bending journalist of the Potter series. Harry, who is attending the Quidditch World Cup with his family as well as Ron and Hermione, is now in his 30s and has "a couple of threads of silver" in his hair and a mysterious cut on his cheek. "Are cracks beginning to show in a union the Potters are determined to promote as happy?" asks Skeeters, who also takes shots at his glasses, friends and godson. Rowling has satirized tabloid papers in the past, and indeed testified at an inquiry into the practices of the British press, saying that the unwanted attention made her feel like she was "under siege or like a hostage." The new story can be read on her website
- A first edition of Karl Marx's Das Kapital
has sold for $40,000
- Leslie Jamison, who says in her book The Empathy Exams that she doesn't believe in "a finite economy of empathy,"
writes about
- The Millions has released its stellar biannual
books preview
- For Slate,
Katie Roiphe asks
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