After long and costly U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama has been deeply reluctant to act forcefully in Syria. But reports last week of a possible chemical weapons attack in Syria appear to have changed the White House's tone. As NPR's Larry Abramson
said on Morning Edition
"The president's response this time has to be significant," Aaron David Miller, a distinguished scholar with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, said on the
same program
So what, exactly, will the U.S. do in Syria? Here are some options:
Limited Military Action
The U.S. and its allies could target Syrian command-and-control sites with cruise missiles fired from Navy ships. Fighter jets are also ready, but
ABC News reported
American boots on the ground have always been considered highly unlikely, and that scenario hasn't changed. Russia, which supports and arms the Assad regime, is considered highly likely to veto any U.N. backing for an international military intervention. However, the U.S. is talking to its allies in Europe and elsewhere about possible coordinated action.
Establish A No-Fly Zone
Sen. John McCain and others have called for the U.S. to set up a no-fly zone that would create safe havens inside Syria. But Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
noted in July
Arm Syrian Rebels
Syrian government troops have made advances in recent months against the rebels, who want help in the form of weapons. The rebels already receive
some weapons
Nonmilitary Options
The Washington Post's Max Fisher
listed nonmilitary options
Do Nothing
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