If you can't get to a beach this weekend, you can still see waves. Just look up.
Clouds, after all, are sculpted by waves of air. These clouds, in Birmingham, Ala., were formed when two layers of air — one fast, the other slow — collided at just the right speed to create rises and dips that caused the clouds to curl in on themselves and crash, just like waves on a beach.
They are called
Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds
But now comes an even more beautiful connection. Not only do clouds look like ocean waves, sometimes waves in the ocean help create clouds in the sky.
In his book,
The Wave Watcher's Companion
How Ocean Waves Build Clouds
When the water evaporates, what's left are microscopic bits of salt suspended in the air. (That's why the beach air tastes so salty.) As the air gets hotter, those bit of salt rise higher and become magnets for moisture.
Think of a little dot of salt moving up, up, up into the cooler wetter air. Bits of moisture cling to it as it rises, becoming droplets, the droplets begin to attach to each other, and before you know it, salt-seeded droplets are composing themselves into low-lying clouds.
The ocean, then, is seeding clouds in the sky!
(This doesn't mean you will see little clouds hanging above every wave-crashing beach. Nothing's that simple. What Pretor-Pinney is saying is that ocean waves produce some of the "condensation nuclei" that drift around the lower atmosphere, but the connection is real: Waves below can produce clouds above. That's why cloud spotters, though they may not realize it, are really wave watchers — tuning in late.
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