As many of you have no doubt noticed, within the past few hours our technology team has introduced a brand-new commenting system.

The transition should be painless — meaning that there is nothing to do on your end to continue participating in the comments.

The good news is that this new system allows for many modern amenities the other system lacked. Those include: Threaded comments and the ability to use HTML formatting. The new system also allows you to delete your own comments.

Our colleague Kate Myers has written a much more extensive post on the subject over at the Inside NPR blog .

One thing that's very important to note for the Two-Way crowd: Your comments will now be pre-moderated. (Just to be clear: Not by us. By our team of moderators.) This is a big change, but as Kate explained in her post, the decision was made after a survey found a little more than half of those who responded said they would prefer pre-moderation .

It's our expectation that the delay between submitting your comment and it appearing on the site will be short.

One more important change that you should be aware of: Unlike the previous commenting system, your comments will now appear on public search engines like Google and Bing.

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