By the time a lot of professional journalists awoke Friday morning to learn about a mass shooting inside a Colorado movie theater, 18-year-old Morgan Jones had already been providing
minute-by-minute coverage
Jones, a recent high school grad in Denver and a self-described "techie computer programmer guy," started posting on his favorite Web platform, Reddit, as soon as he learned of the shooting from a 30-second-old
Facebook post from Denver's NBC affiliate, KUSA.
"I was like, oh my gosh, this is a big thing," Jones tells All Tech Considered. "Facebook] users posted a link to the Aurora PD scanner, so we turned that on and started listening. Immediately it was evident that the situation was not good at all."
Jones says he and a friend then turned to
It's a crowd-sourcing online community that New York magazine calls the largest Internet message board in the world. (New York's
recent profile
"The most popular stuff always bubbles to the top so people can see it," Jones says. "If users can't decide what's on the front page in some fashion, they don't have a voice. Reddit gives you a choice."
Reddit users voted up
Jones' timeline
1:35: Shooter wearing green camo pants1:37: bomb squad is there, bringing in K-9 units. possible other bombs1:40: 18 ambulances on scene1:41: 9news story posted.1:42: "All ten people in the theater are black." Fatalities.1:43: Report of a bomb going off in a theater.1:45: Patients being transported to Denver Health1:47: Command staff briefing. This is huge.1:49: Car, Tennesee plates, Hyundai, license [redacted]. third to west, in front of doors. Possible bomb. Main entrances of mall covered. Bomb squad moving in.1:53: Canine units coordinating at SE entrance between JC Penney's and the food court. May be a bomb in there. Theory that bombs may be in front of theater.
Jones' proximity to the shooting, speed and comprehensiveness led other users to promote his timeline widely, rushing the account to the top of the Reddit home page.
Social media networks like Twitter and Facebook have become part of the fabric of news stories — or the story itself — in recent years, notably during the Arab Spring. But in the hours after the Aurora shooting, the abundance of eyewitness journalism and conversation on Reddit turned the news aggregator into a surprising source of information on a national story. Reddit is a notably utilitarian site — it doesn't have flashy design and it has no formal editorial structure — but thanks to the engagement of its community, the site keeps its audience up to date. Like many social media sites, however, there's no guarantee of accuracy.
Jones, who made corrections to his timeline in real time as more information came in, says the Reddit community's demand for transparency keeps his work accountable.
"I don't delete things and replace them with something else. I do a strike through and put what [latest information] I have below it so it gives people an idea of how it's changing. So it's transparent," he says. "People will put up with minor inaccuracies because they know someone will call them out and change it."
Some mainstream news organizations shared images posted on Reddit shortly after the shooting by a man who said he was wounded. He wrote: "I am one of the 50 wounded in the aurora theatre shooting. here are a few photos of my very lucky but nonetheless terrifying brush with death. my thoughts go out to those less fortunate than me."
Another alleged victim
reached out
All this — and coverage by
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