We're not recommending that CNN, Fox, MSNBC or Talk of the Nation follow this format, though it might generate some big ratings:

Correspondent Joanna Kakissis tips us off from Athens, Greece, about what happened during a live debate on Greek TV when a spokesman for the far-right Golden Dawn movement got fed up with what he was hearing from a leftist member of parliament.

First, Golden Dawn's Ilias Kasidiaris threw water at the woman. Then, all Helena broke loose (pun intended). Kasidiaris threw three slaps at a woman from the Communist Party, after she came to the leftist's defense.

There's video of the melee . Fast forward to about the 1:10 mark if you're only interested in the fireworks.

Now, Joanna tells us, there's a warrant out for Kasidiaris' arrest.

We'll say it again: Don't go there, Neal Conan .

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