Kaiti Jones
Jones began recording the song in December 2019, just before the pandemic. She collaborated with drummer Colby Blauvelt and co-producer Daniel Radin — both of the indie outfit Future Teens — and musicians Danny Hoshino and Ben Cosgrove. Working with the local supergroup not only allowed her to realize the lush, Tom Petty-esque rock song sound she'd always envisioned, but it also gave her the space to explore her own issues with follow-through and acting on her wants and needs.
"This song is my tongue-in-cheek procrastination anthem," she says. "It begins with a very literal anecdote from my life about wearing a watch for years after it was broken, perpetually planning to get it fixed but failing to do so."
Jones has since bought a new watch. She also better understands that sometimes, life can be scary and uncertain, but it's still important to hold yourself accountable.
"I think that's true of a lot of my songs, in sharing things that are true to me or of me; they now exist as these things I can no longer ignore."
Find "Gettin Around to It" on Tossed, Jones' new album due out on March 5.
She'll perform the album in its entirety at Club Passim via live stream at 8pm the same night