Callie Crossley is the host of Under the Radar with Callie Crossley, which airs from 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday evenings. Callie features the voices of our communities each week for discussions on the pressing issues they face. Here are the top Under the Radar segments from 2018.
Inside The New Massachusetts Law That Supports Alzheimer's Victims And Their Caregivers
In August, Gov. Charlie Baker signed a bill called "An Act relative to Alzheimer’s and related dementias in the Commonwealth," which in part requires healthcare professionals' training to include patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. The first-of-its-kind law will be a multifaceted approach to the support of people suffering from Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.
#AsianAugust: A Breakthrough For Asians In Film
In August, “Crazy Rich Asians” was a box office success, grossing $25.2 million at North American theaters over its opening weekend. It was one of several films featuring prominent Asian casts to captivate audiences world-wide over the summer, proving once again that diversity does sell. The enthusiastic response to these films and their casts has inspired widespread discussion among the Asian American and film communities about the importance of diversity and representation in Hollywood.
The 'Pronoun Go 'Round': Our Changing Language Around Gender
How we define gender is shifting, and so is the way we talk about it. Most notably, the way we use gender pronouns — for example, he/him for a man, she/her for a woman or they/them for someone who is gender non-conforming. It’s a change that has come easy for some, but for many people it’s an adjustment that can be anxiety-inducing as they worry about saying the wrong thing. And then there are still others who simply don’t get why there is a need for a change.
Celebrating Father’s Day With Dads Who Do Their Daughter’s Hair
Fathers and sons — that’s usually the first image that comes to mind when the conversation is about fathers and their children. Multiple studies have confirmed that a father's positive involvement in their son's life is critical to their emotional development, but studies also show that fathers have an equally critical role to play in their daughter's development. In celebration of Father’s Day, Callie Crossley spoke with dads who use a hairbrush and barrettes to build that special connection.
5. Under The Radar Roundtable Sampler:
LGBTQ Roundtable : Gay boomers are facing the future as LGBTQ elders. Transgender rights were on the line with the November ballot question. The Bay State schools tried a new history curriculum exploring themes about gender and sexual minorities.
Latinx Roundtable : A Harvard University study found that the official government death count from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico was off by thousands. A study by the Centers for Disease Control found that there's been an alarming rise in overdoses among Latinos. Latino entrepreneurs designed a new app called Interpreters Tap, which allows interpreter services in real time.
Pop Culture Roundtable : Beyoncé brought the style, spectacle, and thrill of southern black college marching bands to the music festival stage at Coachella in April. Shonda Rhimes and Kerry Washington said farewell to "Scandal." News about Necco wafers caused a fan frenzy.
Food And Wine Roundtable : A group of MIT students are led the charge locally on robotic cuisine. International chains arrived in the Bay State, including a Chinese street-food joint and the first U.S. branch of an Israeli cafe. High-end meals at home: You don’t have to hire a personal chef, but you’ll need to wait for the delivery man.