Hey there, public radio listener: it's time for the annual rites of Halloween frights and shivers. We're here for you with our top 10 spooky public radio tales:

10. What could possibly go wrong? MIT researchers create a "nightmare machine," using AI to learn what we think is scary, because of course we totally want supercomputers to know what we fear the most.

MIT Nightmare Machine uses AI to transform imagery into what we fear most

9. The creeping horror of pumpkin spice... everything. And we really do mean everything: dog treats, deodorant...what's next, a pumpkin-spice outing to the RMV? No. Just no.

8. Finally, public policy we can believe in: French town takes common-sense step of banning scary clowns.

7. Who had the bright idea of buying the creepy devil figurine at the tag sale? I dunno... but let's take it to Antiques Roadshow and see how much it's worth.

Antiques Roadshow Creepy Figurine
A figurine presented to Antiques Roadshow.
Antiques Roadshow WGBH

6. Missed out on your opportunity to snag that creepy carved devil figurine on that leaf-peeping trip? No problem: you can buy haunted dolls on eBay.

creepy vintage doll
creepy dolls
Carol Yepes Moment RF/Getty Images

5. It's like one of those nightmares where you go to school only to find out you're completely unprepared for an important exam. Except instead you're in charge of crowd control in Salem, Massachusetts. On Halloween.

Three women, in a black dress, red and green plad coat and skirt, and a long purple cape, pose in front of a statue of a woman sitting on a half-moon.
Visitors pose in front of Salem's "Bewitched" statue on Oct. 21, 2022.
Mark Herz GBH News

4. Time to make those popcorn ball treats from the secret family recipe? Why not pop on this mixtape of spooky New England tales from WGBY in the background?

Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at 7.11.54 AM.png
WGBY New England Spooky Tales Anthology

3. Rats! Yuck, right? Worse news: our approach to fighting them is probably all wrong.

Rattus Norvegicus - The Common Urban Rat
Rattus Norvegicus - The Common Urban Rat
Emily Judem WGBH News

2. If we're going to make mortgage payments on a haunted house, let's at least be cleaning gutters accompanied by a literary ghost. Like, say, poet T.S. Eliot.

Newburyport house once occupied by poet T.S. Eliot
Edgar B. Herwick III WGBH News

1. We believe we have reached peak public radio spooky content with this one: advice from the guys at This Old House on what to do if your house is haunted.

Moonlight on a scary night
Douglas Sacha Moment RF/Getty Images

The Survey of American Fears (yes, a real thing) shows that Americans are actually more afraid of going broke or government corruption than they are of zombies or ghosts. We hope that you, our fellow listeners, enjoy a break from serious news for stories whose fears are a bit more fanciful. Have no fear, we'll remain on the serious news beat through All Hallow's Eve and beyond.

In the meantime, if you find yourself facing a truly frightful commute, may we recommend a few final spooky goodies for your ears? Snap Judgment's annual October surprise, Spooked, is don't-miss Halloween listening. Or try Archive 81, a suspense fiction podcast, tells a tale of an archivist whose boring job turns terrifying (it's produced by Marc Sollinger, who happens to work at WGBH on our Innovation Hub show!) Lastly, check out The Book, about a man who hears knocking behind his pantry, then finds a hidden chamber. Should he go in? You decide. In the meantime, don't be that house that passes out boxes of raisins or dental floss, and stay safe this Halloween.