Soon hordes of travelers will descend on the nation's airports for the year's busiest travel season. Long lines and delays, crying babies, missed connections and expensive snacks are common irritants for travelers. But behind the scenes, airline workers have their own long list of gripes.

Foremost on the list are pay and job security. Airlines are going through tough times. As each company slides into bankruptcy or reshuffles finances, workers are asked to make concessions to keep companies afloat. Or in this case, in the air.

American Airlines is the latest casualty of the air war. After bankruptcy, management has tried to trim cargo agents and other workers, and replace them with cheaper hourly wage earners. For their part, American Airlines workers are looking to unionize.

Boston Phoenix columnist Chris Faraone has been following the unfolding drama at Logan Airport. He joins Callie Crossley to talk about it.


Chris Faraone, columnist for the Boston Phoenix . His latest piece is called American Airlines Busted for Union-Busting .