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Effective Practices for Description of Science Content - Bar Charts

Bar Chart - Vertical

Bar graph


  • Bar charts should be converted into accessible tables.
  • Briefly describe the chart and give a summary if one is immediately apparent.
  • Provide the title and axis labels.
  • It is not necessary to describe the visual attributes of the bars, e.g. dark blue, light blue, unless there is an explicit need such as an exam question referring to the colors.


Figure 1 is a bar chart that measures percentage of vaccination coverage in five states over one year, from Q3 2006 to Q2 2007. In each state, the coverage increases over time.

The data are summarized in the following table. All data are approximate.

First dose rotavirus vaccination coverage among children aged 3 months, by quarter - immunization information system (IIS) sentinel sites, United States, 2006-2007.

  Arizona     D.C.     Michigan     Minnesota     Montana     Oregon  
  Q3 2006     35%     10%     5%     0%     15%     20%  
  Q4 2006     45%     30%     33%     25%     27%     27%  
  Q1 2007     50%     45%     42%     35%     37%     45%  
  Q2 2007     65%     48%     50%     41%     40%     44%  

Bar Chart - Horizontal

Title: How people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, blind or have low vision are alerted to emergencies.

Bar chart


  • While most bar charts should be converted into accessible tables, this simple chart can be presented as text in a list.
  • Provide the title and labels.
  • It is not necessary to describe the visual attributes of the bars unless there is an explicit need.


The figure is a bar chart that has been converted into the following table. All data are approximate.

How people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, blind or have low vision are alerted to emergencies.

  Response     deaf/hard of hearing     blind/low vision  
  Don't Know     70     79  
  Friend     59     62  
  Family     65     64
  Co-worker     33   38
  TV     102   65
  Radio     30   80
  Email     36   5
  Web     16   4
  Landline Phone     25   53
  Cellphone     8   11
  Pager     17   10
  Smartphone/PDA     18   8
  TTY     47   0
  Video relay service     4   0
  Phone relay service     8   0
  Other     7   9

Alternate Approach for Simple Bar Chart

Funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation .

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