As a content provider to academic institutions, we face an increasingly complex set of technical, legal, and instructional design considerations related to the accessibility of our content. NCAM has been indispensable in helping us understand and navigate this space.
The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) has worked with NCAM since the early 2000s in an effort to make inflight entertainment more accessible to passengers who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, including work with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). NCAM’s contributions have been essential to successful initiatives that serve people with disabilities.MICHAEL CHILDERS, MEMBER, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AIRLINE PASSENGER EXPERIENCE ASSOCIATION (APEX) AND CHAIR, APEX TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE
NCAM is our "go-to" resource on all matters pertaining to accessible web designs. The expertise shown by NCAM in a variety of areas relating to accessibility issues has proven to be an immeasurable benefit to our ADA practice as well as to our clients. Moreover, NCAM works seamlessly with us in both preventative and post-litigation areas to ensure an efficient and productive process for our clients.ERNEST E. BADWAY, PARTNER, FOX ROTHSCHILD LLP
Our successes in implementing accessibility would not have been possible without the partnership and guidance of NCAM. They partnered with us to work through issues both technical and philosophical, with flexibility and sensitivity to our organizational desires and limitations.BRYAN GOODWIN, ANALYTICS AND PROCESS MANAGER FOR CONTENT SOLUTIONS, NWEA
NCAM’s leadership in accessibility has been an inspiring beacon encouraging all to make content accessible, and showing that together we can make it happen.ANH BUI, VICE PRESIDENT, BENETECH LABS
NCAM was an invaluable partner in making the Eclipse Soundscapes App an accessible and engaging experience for people who are blind and visually impaired. Their expertise helped guide us through the challenges of designing for accessibility. We couldn’t have succeeded without them.HENRY "TRAE" D. WINTER, III, PH.D., ASTROPHYSICIST, SMITHSONIAN ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY, HARVARD-SMITHSONIAN CENTER FOR ASTROPHYSICS
NCAM is a great partner to work with on web accessibility projects. With their unparalleled knowledge and resources, NCAM supports our team through complex accessibility development efforts, helping us conceptualize and deliver web experiences that are accessible, usable, and visually engaging.CAITLIN GROGAN, DIRECTOR OF CLIENT SERVICES, ADAGE TECHNOLOGIES