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Math Images

Number Lines

Number Lines

How To Describe This Image:

Number lines are a challenge to describe in a manner that is helpful and efficient. Soon, number lines in digital assessments may be coded so that they are navigable directly by a screen reader. For now, however, when number lines appear as images, they can be described in the following manner.


A number line measures 3.6 to 4.1
The following numbers are labeled: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1.
Each of the labeled numbers are separated by three equally spaced marks.
There is a dot on the first mark after 3.9

The above description can also be narrated. Listen to a recording of this description.

Equations with Blanks

Equation with Blanks

How To Describe This Image:

Math equations present a host of challenges and a blank box adds one more. The first decision to be made is how the math will be presented. The fractions can be read in several ways. For example: "the fraction 3 over 8," "a fraction with numerator 3 and denominator 8", or simply, "three-eights." In this case, we chose to read the math in the style of the first example.

Next, a decision must be made about what to call the blank box. Since the item refers to a "missing symbol," we chose to be literal in our description. Below are several slight variations on how the image description might be presented.

Read more about describing math in the STEM Description Guidelines.


Variation 1:

Fill in the missing symbol in this equation: the fraction 3 over 8, missing symbol, the fraction 7 over 16.

Variation 2:

This equation contains a blank box which represents a missing symbol. The fraction 3 over 8, missing symbol, the fraction 7 over 16.

Variation 3:

This equation is missing a symbol: the fraction 3 over 8, blank, the fraction 7 over 16.

Geometry Diagrams

Geometry Diagram

How To Describe This Image:

In an assessment, the describer should assume that the student has a familiarity with common geometric shapes and concepts such as triangles, cylinders, hexagons, and etc. Therefore, it is not necessary to define a hexagon in this description, furthermore this item is testing the student's knowledge of perimeters and not of hexagons.


A hexagon with sides of the following lengths, moving clockwise from the top: 7cm, 5cm, 5cm, 7cm, 5cm, 5cm.

Line Segments

Line segments

How To Describe This Image:

What appears upon first glance to be a very simple description task is, in fact, a bit tricky. The key to this description is to describe each of the four choices as equally as possible without giving away the answer. Obviously, none of the answer choices can be described as a "line segment" since that would instantly reveal the correct answer. Similarly, if geometry terms were used for three of the answer choices (e.g., a line, a ray) but the line segment was described as "a line with dots on each end," that difference would suggest the answer. As a result, all four images should be described without using proper terms but rather by describing their elements.


Answer Choices:

  1. A line with a dot on both ends.
  2. A line with outward pointing arrows on both ends
  3. A line with a dot on the left end and an outward pointing arrow in the right end.
  4. A line without dots or arrows on either end.

Retail Sign

Video rental

How To Describe This Image:

This is a simple image and therefore requires a simple image description. The fact that the image resembles reel film is extraneous.


A chart titled Video Rentals. New releases $3.50. Hot Title $2.00.



How To Describe This Image:

It should be assumed that the student is familiar with the concept of a spinner and the focus of the description should be on the number of sections and their colors. In a different context, the colors of the sections might be extraneous and would be ignored in the description but in this example the colors are essential to answering the question.


A spinner is divided into 8 even sections. Each section is colored Pink, Blue or Green.
The colors are in the following order moving clockwise from the top: Pink, Blue, Green, Pink, Pink, Green, Pink, Blue.

Funding for this project is from the U.S. Department of Education to the Utah State Office of Education under Grant Award #S368A090019. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations are those of the project team and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Education.