WGBH and the Library of Congress are five years into their stewardship of the
American Archive Of Public Broadcasting
How does the AAPB help stations around the country to preserve their programs?
Ryn: While the need for a public broadcasting archival initiative was recognized more than fifty years ago with the signing of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, efforts and funding to methodically implement a nationally coordinated program did not begin in earnest until the advent of the digital age in the 21st century.
In 2011, the Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB)
funded 120 stations to inventory their collections
At this point, CPB selected WGBH and the Library of Congress as the permanent stewards of this collection, which became the beginnings of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting. The LOC houses these broadcast treasures in its Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation, the state-of-the-art preservation facility in Culpeper, Virginia, that was once a high-security storage facility operated by the Federal Reserve. The same facility that once stored gold bars now preserves public media!
How is WGBH uniquely positioned to take on this role?
Ryn: As a public broadcaster, WGBH brings its knowledge of the public media system and an understanding of the core issues facing both television and radio stations to the table. Primarily responsible for access to the collection, metadata and systems/website management, as well as outreach and engagement, WGBH has long been positioned as a leader in the areas of media management, preservation and copyright issues.
Why is it important to preserve public radio and television programs?
Ryn: We need to preserve America's public broadcasting legacy. As an outlet of communication produced for and by local communities, archival recordings document places, people, events, issues, opinions, perspectives, ideas, innovations, landscapes, etc. across both time and space. To see this importance in context, I invite audiences to visit AAPB's
Curated Exhibits
What's the most notable or surprising piece of content you've come across in the archive?
Ryn: There are so many radio and television programs that stick with me. Some programs include travel to places I've never been, stories I never thought would be true, or characters worth listening to. A great sampling of this is in the
AAPB Road Trip Special Collection

However, one interview that has left a lasting impression is the raw interview of Emmett Till's mother,
Mamie Till Mobley
In short, the AAPB has given me the opportunity to see ordinary people thoughtfully phrase their experience on-the-spot. Between all the production cues, infographics, and theme music, I appreciate public broadcasting's ability to be curious, bring unique stories out of the ordinary day-to-day, and connect people.
What's been your favorite year or decade, from the 1940s to the present, to preserve and why?
Ryn: Instead of offering a timeframe, I'd like to approach this question geographically. With the AAPB, we've preserved material from Guam PBS to WUSF in Tampa, FL, so I often find my favorite content based on location and what that local community thought was important to broadcast. For example, who knew a second-wave feminist talk show would come out of WNED in Buffalo, NY? Or the oldest radio programs are from Wisconsin, following the tradition of educational farm programs?
Whether it be raw interviews, educational programming, documentaries, a talk-show, magazine series, or news programs, they are all my favorite to preserve because they are all an invitation into a specific moment that was worth broadcasting.