Every fourth Saturday of the month, we host free special events for kids and families at the GBH BPL Studio!
This week, Community Performances & Partnerships musical storytelling fellows from the New England Conservatory of Music share their instruments and their favorite children’s stories:

  • Evelyn Song shares her violin and the story of "The Very Quiet Cricket" by Eric Carle
  • Hayley Qin sings and plays cello as she tells the story of "The Empty Pot", a traditional Chinese folk tale
  • Amelia Libbey shows off her flute and shares musical versions of two stories, "The Flute Player" and "If You're Happy And You Know It"
  • Yoona Kim shares a demonstration of her Korean ajaeng, and a musical version of the Korean folk tale, "The Sun Girl and the Moon Boy"

Come to Press Play Saturdays at 11am! More
