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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

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Jonathan Samen Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations

Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations is an acclaimed discussion series of the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston - brings together distinguished scholars, artists and activists to engage in unique exchanges around the current moral and social issues of our time. Nationally, and often internationally, renowned panelists are led by expert moderators through respectful and thought-provoking discussions. Through this series the JCC serves as a community living room; that is, a place where people who hold divergent opinions and perspectives come together, share ideas
and gain understanding. Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations is ground-breaking in that it creates an opportunity for intellectual and emotional exchange, and makes a space for passion, insight and creativity to take root. The Jonathan Samen Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations Discussion Series is underwritten by generous donor support. All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts.

  • The Opioid Epidemic is devastating communities across the country. Overdoses have become the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 55, killing more people than HIV/AIDS, car crashes or gun violence ever did at their peaks. But what makes this crisis especially unique is how we got here. We’ll examine the origins of the worst public health crisis of the twenty-first century and expose the role pharmaceutical companies played in pushing addictive opioids into the American market. We will explore how we got here, the science of addiction, and how to stem the crisis.
    JCC Greater Boston
  • This past year, worldwide outrage followed the events at Charlie Hebdo and the kosher market in Paris. As #JeSuisCharlie flooded the twitter-sphere, the supermarket attack brought European anti-Semitism into sharp focus. It is a critical time to look at the challenges facing world Jewry. Is anti-Semitism on the rise? What can be done about it? And, perhaps most hauntingly, are the Jews of Europe still safe? Image: A member of the French Jewish community holds a sign reading in French 'I am Jewish from France' during rally after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Jerusalem on January 11, 2015. (GALI TIBBON/AFP/Getty)
    JCC Greater Boston
  • Do judges bring their personal histories to bear when ruling on cases? With rulings that can change lives, shift policy or alter the course of history, what is the role of personal experience and perspective in judicial decisions? (Photo: [Pixbay](http://pixabay.com/en/justice-judgmental-justitia-justitia-9016/ ""))
    JCC Greater Boston
  • Journalists face extraordinary peril to report on the prevailing issues of the day. Facing a global attack on their livelihoods – and sometimes their very lives – journalists are being forced to recalibrate and reassess. Even in this digital age, there is no lens that can replace human observation – on the ground, in the trenches and on the front lines of the war for information. What challenges do today’s journalists face, and how has their industry changed over the decades? Why are today’s journalists more at risk, and why are they risking it all to bring stories to light? How can investigative reporting survive in this challenging and often dangerous environment? Moderated by The World's Editor Aaron Schachter. (Photo: Osprey plates from body armor by [Coliningrad](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Osprey_plates_COB2009.jpg#/media/File:Osprey_plates_COB2009.jpg ""))
    JCC Greater Boston