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WorldBoston Great Decisions Series

Great Decisions is a series organized by WorldBoston

  • In Person
     India is an emerging major power in world affairs, occupying a pivotal position between China, the United States, and the Global South. Its population size, economy, and geopolitical location ensure that it will be an influential voice in debates and political struggles over global order. What are India’s choices and opportunities for regional and global leadership? How will it maneuver between China and the United States, and what is its role as a voice of the Global South? What opportunities exist for Washington to work with India?

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Sugata Bose, Former Member of Parliament in India and Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs at Harvard University. 

  • In Person
    Under President Biden, the U.S. has advanced new ideas about trade, technology, industrial policy, competition with China, and the organization of the world economy. For most of the postwar era, the U.S. has tied its global leadership to cooperative agendas aimed at creating a more open-world trading system, but that has apparently come to an end.

    What are America’s options and opportunities as a leader of the world economy? How will America’s “foreign policy for the middle class” and strategic competition with China impact its leadership role? How can the postwar rules and institutions of the world economy be made safe for economic nationalism and great power competition?

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Dr. Daniel Drezner, Distinguished Professor of International Politics and Associate Dean of Research at the Fletcher School at Tufts University.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI), especially generative AI, is often claimed as an emerging technology that will disrupt all facets of society.

    Join us for a timely discussion of this topic with Lt. Col. Thomas Kenney, outgoing commander of the 416th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) on Camp Pendleton North, San Diego, CA and Fellow at the Belfer Center.

    This program will feature an expert presentation, live audience Q&A, and time for networking and discussion with other globally-oriented participants.

  • Scientific advances benefit from collaboration between researchers, but what happens when material, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is controversial and important to a nation’s national security? Is there a middle ground between sharing information and denying access? How can we regulate cooperation?

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Tim Ritchie, President of the Museum of Science. This program will feature an expert presentation, live audience Q&A, and time for networking and discussion with other globally-oriented participants.
  • The United States and Middle East are at a crossroads. In spite of a reduced presence in the Middle East, the U.S. still has significant national interests there and the area is a key arena for global power politics. Can the U.S. continue to defend its interests in the Middle East and globally with a lower level of military and political involvement, or should it recommit to a leading role in the region?

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Dr. Ali Banuazizi, Research Professor of Political Science at Boston College.
  • Despite its large size, Indonesia remains virtually invisible to most Americans. But as one of the world’s largest democracies, the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, and as an economic driver of ASEAN, why does it fly below the radar? What are current issues in U.S.-Indonesian relations, and what role can the country play in Asia?

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with former Ambassador Robert Blake Jr. This program will feature an expert presentation, live audience Q&A, and time for networking and discussion with other globally-oriented participants in the Newsfeed Café.

  • Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, attention on NATO has increased throughout the world. As its members prepare for the 75th NATO summit in early July, focus will intensify even more. In the U.S. we hear a lot of opinions about NATO, but how do Europeans feel about their security? The world will get key indicators of European political trends next month as 400 million people vote in European Parliamentary elections. Join us on the eve of these elections as the Consuls General of France and Germany discuss the future of NATO and the future of Europe.
  • China’s economic rise and its current policies of increasing the role of the state in the economy have led some U.S. policymakers to seek to deny China access to U.S. technology and investment. This is seen as a necessary corrective to decades of predatory Chinese economic policies. Is this a wise strategy, and how effective can it be?

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Wendy Cutler, Vice President and Managing Director of the Asia Society Policy Institute, Washington D.C. office.
  • Research has shown that the question is not “if,” but “when” the next pandemic will occur. Although the previous pandemic seems to have waned, there are many lessons to learn about what’s needed for a new, global biosecurity infrastructure, so that we can mitigate the risks from the next pandemic. We need technology that can support rapid identification and understanding of emerging threats, such as collecting samples, analyzing data, and generating meaningful insights for public health officials and policymakers.

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Ashish Jha, former White House Covid-19 Response Coordinator, and Matthew McKnight, General Manager for Biosecurity at Ginkgo Bioworks. The program features expert remarks from Mr. McKnight and Dr. Jha, and live audience Q&A.
  • Access to oil and gas has long held an influence over the politics of individual nations and their relations with others. But as more countries move toward sustainable energy, and supply chain shortages affect the availability of oil and gas, how will these changes in energy industries impact relations geopolitics?

    Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Sarah Emerson, founder and president of Energy Security Analysis, Inc (ESAI).