Did you know that games can not only entertain, but also motivate and even map the human brain? Green Door Labs Mastermind **Kellian Adams Pletcher** talks about her work building games for world famous museums, the US Army, and even the Girl Scouts. Designer **Amy Robinson** discusses the Eyewire game she helped create that combines science, social good, and a good time. Video game music composer **Jason Margaca** shares how music enhances your in-game experience. Critic, writer, and geek culture expert **Ethan Gilsdorf** explains how the renaissance of board games, role-playing games, and reality games is a necessary antidote to digital culture. WGBH's **Edgar Herwick** hosts Pletcher, Robinson, Margaca, Gilsdorf, and others to talk games. (Photo: [Flickr/Rachael Moore](https://www.flickr.com/photos/lierne/51121281/in/photolist-5w1zp-5HZdaY-p5Gpoc-61dg1F-95KYF2-4n9UDX-5rdL9h-911P2B-azE3nX-azE3en-4bqWqf-ayYRjC-oJWvug-azE3pT-6mnTWb-azE39z-2vbcrW-dqPCUz-qFjWJk-dqtYQX-dqu7M1-dqu7JN-rRKPsk-qFjWxt-rzPrcN-5SXD6B-4YYWop-iX25vE-61htpN-rkwLcS-5Apoc8-a9s6ge-7fhLeA-aaVY1a-aXVZTV-4TvkLo-61HbGy-61htqU-6XH2tK-61dg42-b8zbeZ-61htg3-h1uSj-61dfXB-coT3hG-qF7m6s-61dg2n-61htuu-q8H1sz-qFjQie "Gaming Cover"), image cropped)