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Forum Network

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The Veritas Forum

Veritas Forums are university events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life. We seek to inspire the shapers of tomorrow's culture to connect their hardest questions with the person and story of Jesus Christ. The Veritas Forum was started at Harvard in 1992 by a group of students, faculty, and ministers, led by Kelly Monroe Kullberg, as a response to an emptiness on campus. Universities, they perceived, had stopped addressing the most important questions of life: "What does it mean to be human? Why is there evil and suffering? Is there any meaning in death?" In marginalizing such questions, universities fail to provide students room to develop a coherent worldview, making it difficult for many to integrate their academic knowledge with their lives. Veritas steps into this void, creating a space where people of all religious and cultural backgrounds are welcomed to explore ideas. Veritas encourages students to pursue Truth, connect their academic and vocational life to Christ, and emerge with clarity and hopeful vision for our world.


  • Why bother being good? And will an atheistic or a theistic worldview best help us achieve a moral life? Peter Singer, world-renowned Princeton philosopher and animal rights activist, and John Hare, professor of philosophical theology at Yale, provide two different views on the subject. From The Veritas Forum at MIT, 2009.
    The Veritas Forum
  • Is there evidence for belief? Are science and faith consistent ways of seeing the world? Francis Collins, former director of the Human Genome Project, shares from his professional and personal experience. From The Veritas Forum at Caltech, 2009.
    The Veritas Forum
  • Is religious belief irrational? Is reason irreligious? If not, how can the two be reconciled? Colin Adams, atheist humor columnist and math professor at Williams, and Ian Hutchinson, Christian speaker and nuclear physicist and engineer at MIT, share from their professional and personal experience that is at once academic, witty, and fun. From The Veritas Forum at Williams, 2010. Find more Forums at www.veritas.org.
    The Veritas Forum
  • In a world where conflicting faiths divide societies, often violently, the inevitable question arises: Can faiths harmoniously coexist? Vinoth Ramachandra and Akeel Bilgrami discuss secularism and pluralism from two different worldviews, Christian and atheist. From The Veritas Forum at Columbia University, 2009. Which worldviews best promote coexistence and encourage members of diverse faith communities to engage in meaningful discussion with one another? Is there a place for faith in such a worldview, or must tolerant worldviews be secular and free from faith? Can any worldview, including a secular one, be truly neutral? Vinoth Ramachandra addresses the challenges of pluralism from Christian perspective, Akeel Bilgrami from the secular humanist perspective. A moderated discussion by Dr. David Eisenbach with audience question-and-answer follows the opening presentations.
    The Veritas Forum