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Forum Network

Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

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Listen Up!

Listen Up! is a youth media network that connects young video producers and their allies to resources, support, and projects in order to develop the field and achieve an authentic youth voice in the mass media. Join us and help build a stronger global community of organizations and youth filmmakers. We provide connections, information, media tools, and services to young video producers and their allies, both inside and outside the network; work with young producers to raise production quality and tell excellent stories; implement and fund projects; cultivate meaningful partnerships with like-minded organizations to develop and promote the field of youth media; and secure broadcast venues for youth produced video. Listen Up! offers critical organizational, technical and financial support for organizations in the network, including free web presence at listenup.org; unlimited uploads of youth produced work; e-mail alerts for funding and festival deadlines; production and distribution guides like our Youth Media in Practice site; Television Broadcast Projects like "Beyond Borders"; compilation reels of youth-produced docs and shorts; our signature online film festival, the "Very Important Producers Awards"; and National Workshops like our "Ahead of the Curve" workshop.
