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Jimmy Carter Library and Museum

The Jimmy Carter Library and Museum is the only presidential library located in the Southeast. The facility features author lectures, educational programs, a full-size replica of the Oval Office and the Nobel Peace Prize. The presidential archives is a repository of approximately 27 million pages of Jimmy Carter's White House material, papers of administration associates, including documents, memoranda, correspondence, etc. There are also 1/2 million photographs, and hundreds of hours film, audio and video tape.


  • Stephen L. Carter talks about his new novel, *Palace Council*. The Yale law professor describes his book as a hyperbolic thriller and a subtle and convincing comedy of manners. This event is co-sponsored by the Georgia Center for the Book.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Jay E. Hakes discusses his book-in-progress, *The Quest for Energy Independence: From Nixon to Reagan*.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Former White House Correspondent Lynne Olson reads from her new, highly acclaimed book *Troublesome Young Men: The Rebels Who Brought Churchill to Power and Helped Save England*.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Murray Lynn shares stories of his ordeal and survival through WWII Auschwitz concentration camp. Dr. Catherine Lewis, Kennesaw State University, moderates. This lecture is copresented by The Jimmy Carter Library and Breman Jewish Heritage Museum.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Stephen Carter discusses his new novel *New England White*. The Jimmy Carter Library and Georgia Center for the Book copresent this appearance by Carter, author of *The Emperor of Ocean Park* and one of America's most distinguished African American intellectuals. His new novel is a complex mystery set in a prestigious college. Carter is a legal scholar at Yale University and the author of *God's Name in Vain: The Wrongs and Rights of Religion in Politics*, *The Culture of Disbelief*, and *Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby*.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • The Jimmy Carter Library presents a panel discussion of Heralding Freedom: a discussion of the Gulag, the American Civil Rights Movement, and human rights. The Soviet Gulag prison system imprisoned millions of innocent people during its infamous history. A panel of human rights leaders discuss its impact on Russia and the world today, as well as offering comparisons to the American civil rights movement. Former US President Jimmy Carter and former US Ambassador Andrew Young discuss the suppression of political and religious dissidents in the former Soviet Union, the US civil rights movement, and the current work of The Carter Center on human rights. The event coincides with Human Rights Day and the opening of a special exhibit at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic site called *Gulag: Soviet Prison Camps and Their Legacy*. This event is cosponsored by the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic site.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Jean Edward Smith explores the arc of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's intertwined political and private lives. The Jimmy Carter Library and Georgia Center for the Book copresent Jean Edward Smith discussing his new book about Franklin Delano Roosevelt's complex and compelling life. Smith draws on the papers of the Roosevelt Presidential Library as well as Columbia University's oral history collection and other repositories.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Jimmy Carter, former US President, and his wife, Rosalynn, discuss current initiatives at The Carter Center and their recent activities. Carter Center CEO John Hardman moderates.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Karin Ryan, Carter Center human rights director, moderates a panel discussion on new US human rights policies. Panelists include former President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian human rights defender Saad Ibrahim, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA Larry Cox, and Chairperson of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Sima Samar.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum
  • Richard Pare, photographer, discusses his photography of Soviet modernist architecture constructed in the years immediately after the revolution, from 1922 to 1932. He covers how the Stalinist regime put an end to one of the most innovative experiments in the history of architecture. Currently at Lumiere, this collection has been on exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, as well as in Russia and Greece. This event is hosted by the Jimmy Carter Library.
    Jimmy Carter Library and Museum