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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

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Jamaica Plain Forum

The Jamaica Plain Forum is a free public speaker, workshop, and film series bringing together neighbors, scholars, and organizers around issues of peace, justice, the environment and civic engagement. We promote true democracy and challenge concentrated wealth, corporate influence, and military power. We host timely community-based conversations on the great issues shaping our neighborhood and our planet. Although no fee is required for attendance, donations contribute to building-use fees and JP Forum expenses. All Jamaica Plain Forum activities are wheelchair accessible unless otherwise published. Contact the JP Forum at info@jamaicaplainforum.org. Follow Jamaica Plain Forum on Twitter: @JPForum


  • With the heart of an agitator and the soul of a storyteller, JP resident and inequality expert **Chuck Collins** upends our assumptions about America’s deep wealth divide—one that, for the first time in recent history, locks the nation’s youth into a future defined by their class and wealth at birth; limits our ability to address crises like climate change; and creates a world that no one, not even the rich, will ultimately want to live in. In _Born on Third Base_, Collins—once destined to inherit wealth originated with his great-grandfather's Oscar Mayer food corporation—busts the myths that define our views of rich and poor, and offers bold new solutions for bridging the economic divide and re-engaging the wealthy in rebuilding communities for a resilient future.
    Jamaica Plain Forum
  • We’ve heard that the Scandinavian countries – Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway – have a better quality of life and less inequality than the United States. Why is this so? And how did this “Nordic model” come about? What is relevant to a U.S. context? In his new book, Viking Economics, veteran organizer George Lakey explores the history of Nordic social movements that reduced poverty and inequality and the policies that foster such livable societies. Photo: [Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/en/norwegian-crowns-coins-money-1081403/ "kroners")
    Jamaica Plain Forum
  • An effective way to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases may be to put a price on them—a price high enough to motivate residents and businesses to find ways reduce their output of these gases. Climate change activists say controlling the burning of fossil fuels is probably the most important issue that humanity faces in this century, and yet bills in the Massachusetts Legislature calling for a price on greenhouse gas pollution have not yet been voted on. Each of the speakers at this forum are actively working to prevent climate change, and they will discuss the need for a price on carbon in Massachusetts and beyond, as well as how to press the Legislature to make Massachusetts the first state to put it into law. Image: [Takver/Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/takver/5531729826 "")
    Jamaica Plain Forum
  • Author and activist Rivera Sun will speak on building a culture of active nonviolence, the Movement of Movements, and how nonviolent direct action has been used around the world to make change. Ms. Sun connects the dots between the issues we face, relates stories from historic nonviolent struggles, covers groundbreaking new understandings of nonviolent struggles, and brings a pertinent and timely message to youth, elders, students, and ordinary, extraordinary people everywhere. (Photo: "[Flower Power demonstrator](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flower_Power_demonstrator.jpg#/media/File:Flower_Power_demonstrator.jpg "")" by DOD, National Archives and Records Administration)
    Jamaica Plain Forum