David Helfand discusses how his kernel of an idea to improve an electromagnet spectrum analogy back in 1999-2000 led to the Columbia Center for New Media Technology and Learning's (CCNMTL) substantial role in the creation of "Frontiers of Science," a new course in Columbia College's core curriculum. He outlines in detail how the Center played an instrumental role in the creation of the course text, *Scientific Habits of Mind*, and the design and execution of the course's educational principles as well as the logistics of implementing a lecture-seminar combination course for over 500 students each semester. Helfand emphasizes how CourseWorks not only allows for seamless communication and document sharing between students and faculty, but also how it allows unique collaborations amongst the faculty as the course is carried out week by week. Along with Ryan Kelsey, he also discusses the ongoing evaluation work and feedback process involved in improving the course from year to year. David Klatell discusses CCNMTL's role in helping the Graduate School of Journalism rethink its teaching practices through the use of the case study method enhanced by technology. Through a demonstration of "Building the Front Page of the Washington Post," the first case jointly created by CCNMTL and the Journalism School, he outlines how placing control of the classroom in the hands of students was an important goal for their new Master's program. He emphasizes the challenges of working with a unique group of faculty, who are typically from the professional world, as well as the effort required to build cases with real value for a field that has never tried this method of teaching. He ends by setting a goal for the creation of a new case study authoring office inside the Journalism School.
Columbia University