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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

Funding provided by:

Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation

Formed in 1995, the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation is focused on improving early childhood development, enhancing education, preserving green space, sustaining the arts and sparking collaboration among its nonprofit partners, primarily in Atlanta. Arthur M. Blank is owner & CEO of the Atlanta Falcons and Georgia Force. He co-founded The Home Depot, the world’s largest home improvement retailer, in 1978 and retired from the company as co-chairman in 2001. Through his generosity, the foundation, along with Blank and his wife's personal giving, has granted over $220 million to various charitable organizations.


  • Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels leads a discussion on *Going Green: Creating Sustainable Cities*. This event is co-sponsored by the Atlanta Regional Commission.
    Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
  • **Joel Kotkin** describes the notion of the City of Aspiration, and the historical roles of cities in nurturing and growing a middle class. In the first decade of the 21st century, the future of American cities is attracting great debates. One notion is that to become a City of Aspiration, urban areas must focus on providing the greatest number of opportunities to the broadest spectrum of residents. Kotkin believes that a city and region's ability to create jobs, offer affordable housing and generate entrepreneurial openings to a growing and highly diverse population are the surest signs of urban vibrancy. The City of Aspiration embraces the fundamental principle that one of the primary, historical roles of cities has been to nurture and grow a middle class to be an engine of upward mobility.
    Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
  • *The New York Times* columnist Nicholas D. Kristof discusses economic and human rights developments in Darfur and other African nations.
    Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
  • Joe Nocera, the *Talking Business* columnist for *The New York Times* discusses the economy, from government bailouts and stimulus spending, to AIG and Boeing's comeback.
    Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
  • Architect and designer **William McDonough** speaks about his *Cradle to Cradle* philosophy and design practice. This vision of the hopeful, positive, and inspiring possibilities of an environmentally and economically intelligent future by design draws inspiration from the astonishing effectiveness of natural systems. *Cradle to Cradle* design, as opposed to "cradle to grave", offers a new paradigm for human activity that creates a sustaining relationship with the natural world by emulating living systems that are effective, cyclical, synergetic, and regenerative. McDonough has been a leader in the sustainable development movement since its inception. He is consulting professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University.
    Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation