John Hulsman shares his views on world affairs. This event is presented in cooperation with the Atlanta Eric M. Warburg chapter of the American Council on Germany.

John Hulsman is the Alfred von Oppenheim Scholar in Residence at the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin, where he handles the transatlantic and Middle East portfolios. His expertise is particularly centered on forging common transatlantic polices regarding Iran, Iraq, the War on Terror, and the Middle East Peace Process. Having given over 1250 interviews, Hulsman is a frequent commentator on foreign policy issues. He makes regular appearances with major media outlets such as ABC, CBS, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, Comedy Central and The BBC. He also has written over 150 published articles on international relations for publications such as The Financial Times, The International Herald Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, Policy Review, Newsweek, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, Die Welt and Le Monde. In addition, Hulsman serves as a contributing editor for the prestigious foreign policy journal, The National Interest.