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Why We Play: Sports, Drugs, and Meanings

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Date and time
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

**Dr. Thomas H. Murray** takes on issues of fairness and justice. He asks what constitutes fairness in sport and why we even need seemingly arbitrary limits on equipment and other rules. He looks at social policy ideas like harm reduction strategies in drug policy; reflections on liberty, paternalism, and public health; off-label and non-therapeutic drug use, including use supervised or promoted by physicians. Controversies over elite athletes using anabolic steroids, growth hormone, and other performance enhancing drugs largely overlooks three crucial issues. First is athletic competition, the forces that press athletes to consider using drugs, and the nearly universal desire among athletes for a level playing field. Second is the far larger community of amateur athletes including tens of millions of young people. Third are a set of disputes over the meanings of key concepts in sport: What is a level playing field and is it achievable or even desirable? And, finally, what makes sport worthwhile, a meaningful human endeavor: In other words, _why do we play_?

Thomas H. Murray is President of The Hastings Center. Dr. Murray was formerly the Director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics in the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where he was also the Susan E. Watson Professor of Bioethics. He is a founding editor of the journal Medical Humanities Review, and is on the editorial boards of The Hastings Center Report; Human Gene Therapy; Politics and the Life Sciences; Cloning, Science, and Policy;Medscape General Medicine; Teaching Ethics; Journal of Bioethical Inquiry and the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. He served as President of the Society for Health and Human Values and of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. Dr. Murray has testified before many Congressional committees, and is the author of more than 200 publications. His most recent books are The Worth of a Child, published by the University of California Press, Healthcare Ethics and Human Values: An Introductory Text with Readings and Case Studies, Blackwell Publishers, edited with Bill Fulford and Donna Dickenson, The Cultures of Caregiving: Conflict and Common Ground among Families, Health Professionals and Policy Makers, edited with Carol Levine, and Genetic Ties and the Family: The Impact of Paternity Testing on Parents and Children, edited with Mark A. Rothstein, Gregory E. Kaebnick and Mary Anderlik Majumder. He is also editor, with Maxwell J. Mehlman, of the Encyclopedia of Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues in Biotechnology, (John Wiley & Sons, 2000). In January 2004 he received an honorary Doctor of Medicine degree from Uppsala University.