Casey Davis provides an overview of the history of public media, leading up to the creation of the **American Archive of Public Broadcasting** (AAPB). In addition, Rebecca Fraimow introduces the technical history of audiovisual formats and the preservation challenges they provide.

**Casey Davis** is project manager of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting. She manages the daily activities of the AAPB, such as outreach, access, overseeing web development, coordinating with the Library of Congress on policy and strategy, and assisting with sustainability. She established the Association of Moving Image Archivists' (AMIA) PBCore Advisory Committee to support and improve the Public Broadcasting Core metadata standard. She is the Co-Chair of the New England Archivists Roundtable for Early Professionals and Students (REPS), serves on the NEA Membership Committee, and is Founder of ProjectARCC. As an archivist, Casey is passionate about access and use of audiovisual archival collections and advocacy. Before working on the AAPB, Casey worked for the PBS history documentary series American Experience and earned her MLIS with a concentration in Archives Management from Louisiana State University.