What will be the ultimate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our 2020 elections? The coronavirus has inflicted terrible damage on families around the globe. It has also affected many areas of our lives, from the economy to the way students are learning online. As the 2020 presidential election approaches, we must consider how the pandemic is impacting the election season. This panel discussion examines how campaigns are reaching voters while observing social distancing, explores the procedural changes states may make to the election process, and looks at ways to stay safe when voting. The discussion is moderated by WGBH News Senior Digital Managing Editor, Laura Colarusso. This News Forum is brought to you in partnership with the [Ford Hall Forum](https://forum-network.org/partner/ford-hall-forum/) , [Harvard Book Store](http://www.harvard.com/), [WGBH News](https://www.wgbh.org/news/) , and the [WGBH Insider Series](https://www.wgbh.org/support/insider).