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Welcome to the first Sound Education Podcasting Conference

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Date and time
Friday, November 2, 2018

Zachary Davis, host of Ministry of Ideas welcomes us to the Sound Education Conference at Harvard Divinity School - a conference that brings together podcasters and educators. Then, Diane Moore, the Director of The Religious Literacy Project discusses the importance of critical education in these critical times. Image: [Pexels.com](https://www.pexels.com/photo/photography-of-woman-listening-to-music-761963/ "Pexels.com")

Diane L. Moore pursues research interests in the public understanding of religion through education from a cultural studies lens. Her current focus is on the intersections of religion, ecology, and human rights. She is also interested in the relationship among religion, the arts, and social change. She is the director of the Program in Religious Studies and Education and serves on the editorial boards of the journals Religion and Education and the British Journal of Religious Education. She is also chair of the American Academy of Religion's Task Force on Religion in the Schools, which is completing a three-year initiative to establish guidelines for teaching about religion in K-12 public schools. Her book Overcoming Religious Illiteracy: A Cultural Studies Approach to the Study of Religion in Secondary Education was published by Palgrave in 2007. She was one of two professors chosen by Harvard Divinity School students as 2005-06 HDS Outstanding Teacher of the Year. Moore also taught at Phillips Andover Academy, in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, until 2007. She is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Davis is the host of Ministry of Ideas and a producer at HarvardX.