What’s really happening behind closed doors on America’s college campuses? A new sexual revolution is sweeping the country, and college students are on the front lines. Women use fresh, savvy methods to fight entrenched sexism and sexual assault even as they celebrate their own sexuality as never before. Many "woke" male students are more sensitive to women’s concerns than previous generations ever were, while other men can still perpetuate misogyny. Meanwhile, the new Secretary of Education appointed by President Trump intends to eliminate college court hearings of rape. Amid all the contradictions, it’s no surprise that intense confusion shrouds the topic of consent on campus. Vanessa Grigoriadis dispels that confusion as no other writer could by talking candidly with dozens of students—among them, both accusers and accused—as well as administrators, parents, and researchers. Her unprecedented investigation presents a host of new truths. Photo: SchuminWeb in [Slutwalk FlickrRiver](http://www.flickriver.com/groups/1830007@N22/pool/random/ "")
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