Large-scale agriculture, factories and other sources produce chemical runoffs. These “nutrient loads”can accumulate in waters and cause harmful algae blooms (HABs), including the red tides that are increasingly common. Algal blooms are now occurring in every coastal state in the U.S., and are a major concern around the world. HABs affect the health of marine organisms and also people. Dr. Glibert explains the vital role of algae in marine ecosystems, how runoff toxins cause the unnatural algal blooms, and what must be done to stop the damage. She also discusses how ocean geoengineering can impact algae.

Patricia Glibert, PhD is a marine scientist distinguished for her research on nutrient use by phytoplankton and harmful algal blooms in waters around the world. She was named one of the top women professors in Maryland, and is a sustaining fellow of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. Dr. Glibert is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.