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Transportation Planning for Climate and Health

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Date and time
Friday, March 26, 2021

Transportation now generates more greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector in the United States. It is also a major source of air pollution in our communities, particularly neighborhoods striving for environmental justice, where many low-income residents and people of color live. How can we redesign our transportation system to become healthier for both our bodies and our planet? GBH News transportation reporter Bob Seay and Andre Leroux, currently leading MassINC’s Transformative Transit-Oriented Development program, host a panel with Massachusetts State Senator Joseph A. Boncore, Clean Transportation organizer for the Union of Concerned Scientists Paulina Muratore, and Alternatives for Community & Environment director of transit oriented development, Mela Bush-Miles to discuss the role of urban and transit planning in addressing climate change.

Paulina Muratore is a senior campaign organizer for the Clean Transportation Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. In her role, she manages UCS transportation campaigns in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, with a focus on mobilizing UCS members, activists, and other experts to reduce tailpipe emissions while building a cleaner, more equitable transportation system. She also works with state and regional transportation coalitions, partnering closely with a wide range of groups to enhance our collective advocacy voice. Prior to joining UCS, Paulina worked with companies and investors on low-carbon transportation alternatives with Ceres, and also worked as part of a New York/Northeast regional advocacy team at the Natural Resources Defense Council. She holds an MS in environmental planning and policy from Tufts University, and a BA in international relations from Boston University.
Pamela Bush Miles is a nationally recognized climate and environmental justice activist and organizer with over 20 years of experience building organizations, programs and movements that achieve climate and transit equity wins for low-income communities and communities of color. Initially inspired by her children’s battles for air and for life against debilitating asthma, Mela has worked tirelessly to eliminate pollutants in the low-income communities where she lived and worked. As the regional expert in public transit equity Mela organized communities in a 20 mile area to advocate for and eventually achieve commuter rail stops in low-income communities. These stops became vital for building economic empowerment in formerly blighted communities.
Joseph A. Boncore is a lawyer from Winthrop, Massachusetts, who was elected to the Massachusetts Senate in 2016 from the First Suffolk and Middlesex District. He is a member of the Democratic Party.