Many people know at least one person suffering from Lyme’s disease, a quietly expanding tick-borne epidemic that has now spread throughout the United States into Canada. It is more than 40 years since the disease was first identified yet there is still no human vaccine available, despite the multiple vaccine options that you can purchase for your dog. So what happened to the vaccine that was developed in 1990s, and why was it so abruptly withdrawn from the market? Brian Owens, an award-winning science journalist for Nature, New Scientist and The Lancet, was commissioned to investigate the causes, treatments, and controversy surrounding this insidious but often overlooked disease and recently published his book, “Lyme Disease in Canada”. In it, Owens cites hope in a new French vaccine that is being developed in partnership with Pfizer for use in 2024. Joining him in this important discussion is Kris Newby, Stanford-educated science writer and senior producer of the Lyme disease documentary “Under the Skin”, whose book “Bitten” has won three international book awards. Find out what you should know about Lyme’s disease in advance of being bitten! The two authors are joined by Nevena Zubcevik, Chief Medical Officer at Invisible International.
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