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Date and time
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tony Barnhart discusses what makes sports different in the southern United States, and shares from his biography of UGA’s legendary football broasdcaster, Larry Munson. Munson was 43 when he became the Bulldog broadcaster, but his past is was full of color before that. He once played in the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, backing Frank Sinatra; he got his first broadcasting job from another legend, Curt Gowdy; and he was one of the original announcers for the Braves when they moved to Atlanta from Milwaukee. See more on the [Georgia Center for the Book blog](http://www.georgiacenterforthebook.org/Blog/?m=201006#sthash.QD82opZF.dpbs "").

Tony Barnhart is a native of Union Point, Ga., located about an hour east of Atlanta. A graduate of the University of Georgia, Tony spent seven years at the Greensboro (NC) News & Record before coming to the Atlanta Journal Constitution in 1984. Today he is a free lance sports writer and broadcaster for ajc.com, CBS, CSS, and 790 The Zone. Tony and his wife, Maria, live in Dunwoody. Their daughter, Sara Barnhart Fletcher, is an attorney with the Atlanta firm of Wargo & French.