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The Scientific Attitude

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Date and time
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

In an era when science has contributed so much to the progress of humanity, there is a resurgence of anti-reason and rejection of scientific facts. These challenges call for a mental adjustment: the scientific attitude. Dr. McIntyre explains how to adapt that attitude and why it is necessary today.

Lee McIntyre received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Michigan, Ann Aebor. He is the author of several prominent books focusing on the acceptance of –and resistance to—scientific facts. Dr. McIntyre taught philosophy at Colgate University, Boston University, Tufts Experimental College, Simmons College, and Harvard Extension School. He was Executive Director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University. He has also served as a policy advisor to the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard. **BOOKS** (for general readers) include: _The Scientific Attitude_; _Post-Truth_; _How to Talk to a Science Denier_