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The Quest for Energy Independence: From Nixon to Reagan

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Date and time
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Jay E. Hakes discusses his book-in-progress, *The Quest for Energy Independence: From Nixon to Reagan*.

Mr. Hakes started his career in teaching and research before entering government service. He was an assistant professor and subsequently an associate professor of Political Science at the University of New Orleans from 1970 through 1977. Mr. Hakes has published widely on a variety of subjects, including articles on the judicial recruitment process during the Carter Administration and the impact of Democratic Party reform on the South. Since entering government in 1977, Mr. Hakes has held federal positions at the Agency for International Development, the Department of Interior, and the Executive Office of the President. He also worked for Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham, including stints as state energy director and the governor's chief of staff . Mr. Hakes graduated from Wheaton College. He earned an MA and a PhD from Duke University in Political Science.