Perhaps no president came into office with greater challenges or higher expectations than Barack Obama. Where will future presidential historians rank our first African-American president? For what will he be best remembered?

Meghna Chakrabarti is an American journalist and radio producer. She is the host of NPR's On Point, the former host of the WBUR news program Radio Boston and the Modern Love podcast.

Ellen Fitzpatrick, a professor and scholar specializing in modern American political and intellectual history, is the author and editor of six books and has appeared regularly on PBS’s *The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer*. She has been interviewed as an expert on modern American political history by the *New York Times*, the *Wall Street Journal*, the *Los Angeles Times, USA Today*, the *Boston Globe*, the *Washington Post*, CBS’s *Face the Nation*, and National Public Radio. She is the Carpenter Professor of History at the University of New Hampshire, where she has been recognized for Excellence in Public Service

Annette Gordon-Reed is a professor of law at New York Law School and a professor of history at Rutgers University. She is the author of *Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy*. She lives in New York City.

David Greenberg is associate professor of History and of Journalism & Media Studies at Rutgers University. His first book, *Nixons Shadow: The History of an Image* (W.W. Norton, 2003) won the Washington Monthly Annual Political Book Award, the American Journalism History Award, and Columbia University's Bancroft Dissertation Award. He recently was awarded the Hiett Prize in the Humanities, awarded annually to someone whose work in the humanities shows extraordinary promise and has a significant public component related to contemporary culture, as well as the Rutgers University Board of Trustees Research Fellowship for Scholarly Excellence. He is currently working on a history of political spin. Prof. Greenberg has written for numerous scholarly and popular publications, including *The New York Times*, *The Washington Post*, *The Atlantic Monthly*,and *The New Yorker. He is a regular contributor to the online magazine *Slate*, where he writes the "History Lesson" column and other occasional reviews and essays. Before pursuing his PhD, he served as acting editor and managing editor of *The New Republic* magazine.*

Heather Cox Richardson is Professor of History at Boston College. She writes widely about Reconstruction, the Civil War, and the history of the Republican Party. The author of Democracy Awakening, her previous award-winning books include How the South Won the Civil War.