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The Mount Everest of Scuba Diving: The Andrea Doria

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Monday, May 3, 2010

John Hanzl talks about technical diving and his experience diving on the Andrea Doria. The Andrea Doria is a mecca for treasure divers. It is commonly referred to as the Mount Everest of scuba diving. The depth, water temperature and currents combine to put the wreck beyond the scope of recreational diving. The skills and equipment required to successfully execute this dive, such as use of mixed gases and staged decompression, put it in the realm of only the most experienced technical divers.

As the Diving Safety Officer (DSO) for the New England Aquarium, John overseees all the diving activities at the NEAq. There are over 4,000 dives conducted by NEAq divers every year - both in aquarium exhibits and all over the world. He also works with a small team of diving aquarists in the Giant Ocean Tank (GOT) feeding and caring for the 600+ critters that call the GOT home. John has been SCUBA diving for twenty years and is a dive instructor for several agencies.