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The Great Molasses Flood Revisited: Immigrants in an Industrial Accident

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Great Molasses Flood of Boston is revisited in Part two of this series on the event that shaped Boston's North End. Speakers Stephen Puleo, Marylinn Johnson, Jim Vrabel, and moderator Peter Drummey, discuss the fallout of the event and its lasting effects on the Italian community in the North End of Boston at the time. Image Source: [Lecture Page](https://www.masshist.org/calendar/event?event=2768 "Lecture Page")

Jim Vrabel is a former newspaper reporter and municipal official, a longtime community activist, and a Boston historian. He was a founder of the Back of the Hill Community Development Corporation on Mission Hill and of the Academy of the Pacific Rim Charter School in Hyde Park, and he served as assistant director of the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services, executive assistant to the Boston School Committee, and senior research associate and editor at the Boston Redevelopment Authority.
Stephen Puleo
Stephen Puleo is a historian, teacher, public speaker, and the author of several books, including 'Voyage of Mercy', 'Dark Tide',' American Treasures', and 'The Caning'.
**Marylinn Johnson** is a Professor of History at Boston College. Professor Johnson's work focuses on urban social relations in late nineteenth-and twentieth-century America. She teaches courses on social movements, urban and working-class history, violence, and the American West.