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The Enemy of the People? Freedom of the Press and Democracy

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Marjorie Pritchard, deputy managing editor for the editorial page at The Boston Globe, and Bryan Trabold, author of Rhetorics of Resistance: Opposition Journalism in Apartheid South Africa and assistant professor and chair of the Suffolk University English Department, will examine The Boston Globe's response to President Trump's efforts to discredit the media. The Globe mobilized editorial boards of all political orientations across the country to argue that a free press is essential for sustaining democracy. This conversation will situate the Globe's initiative within Ford Hall Forum's tradition of promoting the free expression of ideas, as when Margaret Sanger, wearing a gag, defied the Boston ban on promotion of birth control in her 1929 address to the Ford Hall Forum and anti-apartheid activist Beyers Naudé delivered a blistering attack on the South African government in his 1985 forum address, despite repeated attempts to silence him. The Boston Globe's editorial initiative is thus part of a much longer history of challenging the powerful to promote freedom of expression.

As deputy managing editor, Marjorie Pritchard oversees the Globe’s opinion page. She edits Globe staff columnists and regular contributors as well as commission pieces from thought leaders around the country. Image: Facebook/Marjorie Pritchard
Bryan Trabold, PhD, is Associate Professor and Chair of the Suffolk University English Department. He has authored \_Rhetorics of Resistance: Opposition Journalism in Apartheid South Africa\_ and helped edit \_Literacy, Economy, and Power: Writing and Research Ten Years after Literacy in American Lives\_. Image: [The Suffolk Journal](https://thesuffolkjournal.com/25762/world-news-at-suffolk/suffolk-professor-feature-trabold-reflects-on-experience-in-post-apartheid-africa/ "The Suffolk Journal")