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The Curious Person's Guide to Earth Repair: Regenerating Soil and Water Landscapes

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Date and time
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Over the past year, the public has grown increasingly aware of the ways we have inadvertently harmed the biodiversity and ecosystems upon which life depends. The United Nations having declared [2021-2030 the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration](https://www.unenvironment.org/news-and-stories/story/new-un-decade-ecosystem-restoration-inspire-bold-un-environment-assembly) presents the opportunity for a global focus on regenerating natural systems. Journalist and author Judith D. Schwartz has travelled widely to find people who are successfully restoring healthy soil and water ecosystems. She talks with Cambridge, MA activist Nicola Williams about her research as well as a forthcoming book about the global ecosystem restoration movement. Photo: ["Red pouch fungus" Tony Wills](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Red_pouch_fungus_01.jpg) [[CC BY 2.5](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5) ]

Judith D. Schwartz is an author who tells stories to explore and illuminate scientific concepts and cultural nuance. She takes a clear-eyed look at global environmental, economic, and social challenges, and finds insights and solutions in natural systems. She writes for numerous publications, including The American Prospect, The Guardian, Discover, Scientific American, and YaleE360. Her latest book, “The Reindeer Chronicles”, is a global tour of earth repair, featuring stops in Norway, Spain, Hawai’i, New Mexico, and beyond.
**Nicola Williams ** founded The Williams Agency in 1995. Nicola, with over 20 years of industry experience and international respect, is recognized for superior problem-solving, project management, relationship building, and strategic planning skills. She has a strong marketing background in marketing management, market research, brand development, advertising, public relations, sponsorship development, and event promotions. She is passionate about making a difference and is constantly sought after for public engagements. Williams was the producer and one of the founding organizers of the Boston Local Food Festival, Boston’s premier food event and top 10 food events in the City. She is the brainchild of Boston JerkFest and Vermont JerkFest, Caribbean-style foodie events that launched in 2013 and 2015 respectively.