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The Case for Equity in Transit-Oriented Development

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Date and time
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Protests have erupted across the U.S. sparked by the recent deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, but more than a reaction to police violence, these protests address a chronic problem rooted in centuries of racism and injustice stemming from unfair laws and policies across federal, state, and local institutions. A recent report from MassINC titled [“From Transactional to Transformative: The Case for Equity in Gateway City Transit-Oriented Development,”](https://massinc.org/research/equity-report/) outlines solutions to change policies that don’t work for many Americans, including better access to safe and affordable housing, reliable transportation, and economic inclusion. But the report is just the start of a broader conversation about inequity in our society and the changes we need to make today. WGBH News Transportation Reporter Bob Seay leads a conversation about equitable policies and practices with MassINC’s Dr. Tracy Corley (lead author of the research paper), and Susan A. Wood, co-author of the [American Planning Association’s Planning for Equity Policy Guide.](https://planning.org/publications/document/9178541/#:~:text=By%20American%20Planning%20Association&text=APA's%20first%2Dever%20Planning%20for,%2C%20state%2C%20and%20federal%20levels.) Learn more about transformative transit-oriented development (TTOD) and sign up here for the [**#TTOD Challenge**](https://massinc.org/2020/06/11/ttod-challenge/).

Dr. Tracy Corley is the Director of Research and Partnerships at CLF, supporting scientific practices and partnerships across the organization. Tracy identifies areas where research and science can support active advocacy and litigation and also coordinates independent research related to climate change and environmental justice across New England. She brings experience in research, public policy, law, and conservation to her role and thrives on bringing people together to tackle the systemic issues that drive conservation and environmental justice. Prior to joining CLF, Tracy served as the Transit-Oriented Development Fellow at MassINC, where she conducted research and convened stakeholders to promote equitable development in Massachusetts’ Gateway and regional cities. Her time at MassINC followed her mid-career graduate studies, when she researched the economic development potential of New England cities at the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, then split her time between Boston and the German Rhineland investigating informal work in Germany’s skilled trades and crafts sector. She also has lived in Seattle, Washington, where she conducted strategic planning and coordinated a participatory research program for formerly incarcerated workers at Seattle Jobs Initiative; founded two consulting firms that helped advance clean technologies, sustainable development, and energy efficiency; and advocated for inclusive economic development as Vice-Chair of Small Business for the Seattle Chamber of Commerce Board of Trustees. She has also worked as an architect and designer in Washington state and South Carolina. Tracy holds a B.A. in Architecture from Clemson University and both an M.S. in Public Policy and a Ph.D. in Law and Public Policy from Northeastern University. She grew up on a farm in South Carolina, enjoys being out in nature, and believes that urban places can be regenerative for people and the planet. Outside of work, Tracy enjoys opera and museums, neighborhood bike rides with friends, and experiencing new places. She also writes, speaks, and teaches regularly.
**Susan A. Wood, AICP**, is based in Denver, CO where she serves as a Planning Project Manager with the Regional Transportation District (RTD), the Denver metro region transit provider. At RTD, she oversees and conducts environmental studies and manages the District's environmental compliance consistent with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. Prior to joining RTD, she worked in local government, most recently as the manager of Community Outreach and Long Range Planning for Douglas County, Colorado. At the national level, Susan is the incoming APA Director for Region V; serves on APA’s Legislative and Policy Committee (recently co-chaired the APA Planning for Equity Policy Guide); and is a member of the AICP Membership Standards Committee.