Educators discuss the tools available to students today for research and practice learning, what we know about how tech and the brain work together, the digital divide, life-long learning and more.

**Eileen Rudden** is an established leader and board member in both the education and technology sectors. She is the co-founder of LearnLaunch, an organization that provides support for the creation and growth of education technology and learning companies in New England, and LearnLaunchX, Boston's education technology accelerator. Previously, Eileen served as Chief Officer, College and Career Preparation, at Chicago Public Schools, where she led the efforts of the third largest public school system in the U.S. to ensure that its 400,000 students are college and career ready. Eileen was a 2009 Broad Fellow and graduate of the Broad Superintendent's Academy, and currently serves on the boards of KnowledgeWorks and the Achievement Network.

Dennis Littky is the co-founder of Big Picture Learning and the Met Center in Providence. He is nationally known for his extensive work in secondary education in urban, suburban, and rural settings, spanning over 40 years. As an educator, Dennis has a reputation for working up against the edge of convention and out of the box, turning tradition on its head and delivering concrete results. Presently, Dennis’s focus is to expand the Big Picture Learning design to include college-level accreditation through College Unbound, where students will have the opportunity to earn a B.A. and advanced certifications through a critically challenging, real-world based, and entrepreneurial course of study.

Nick Massa studied at Western New England College and obtained his PhD at the University of Connecticut. Massa is the Principal Investigator for the NEBHE Advanced Manufacturing Problem Based Learning Project.