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Taylor Branch: The Clinton Tapes

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Date and time
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Taylor Branch talks about his book, *The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President*, an account of President Bill Clinton's confidential diary project, aimed at preserving the fullest record of his administration. The book is based on 78 diary sessions between 1993 and 2001.

Taylor Branch is best known for his prizewinning trilogy chronicling the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. The first volume, *Parting the Waters: America in the King Years*, 1954-63, won the Pulitzer Prize for History and the National Book Critics Circle Award for General Non-Fiction in 1988. The subesquent two volumes, and *Pillar of Fire and At Canaan's Edge* also went on to win numerous awards. The author of two other nonfiction books and a novel, Branch is a former staff member of *The Washington Monthly*, *Harper's*, and *Esquire*. He lives in Baltimore, Maryland.