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Spiritual Protection Through Intuitive Guidance

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Date and time
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Plastic surgeon Susan E. Kolb explains how Noetic Science, through the use our intuitive powers, can enable us to protect ourselves from many dangers in our everyday lives. The word "noetic" comes from the ancient Greek nous, for which there is no exact equivalent in English. It refers to "inner knowing" or "intuitive consciousness"--direct and immediate access to knowledge beyond what is available to our normal senses and power of reason. Noetic sciences are explorations into the nature and potentials of consciousness using multiple ways of knowing--including intuition, feeling, reason, and the senses. Noetic sciences explore the "inner cosmos" of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the "outer cosmos" of the physical world.

Susan Kolb is a medical doctor with a specialty in plastic and reconstructive surgery. She has treated thousands of women with complications from breast implant surgery, and her practice has emerged as an international healing center for women with breast implant disease and other immune disorders. Her medical practice routinely incorporates state of the art surgical technology with holistic medicine and spiritual healing. She graduated from Johns Hopkins University, received her medical degree from Washington University School of Medicine and completed her post-graduate education in plastic surgery and general surgery at Wilford Hall Medical Center. She served as a surgeon in the United States Air Force, specializing in the treatment of burns, hand reconstruction and cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Kolb is a member of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. She is a founding diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine and a member of the American Holistic Medical Association. Dr. Kolb is the director and founder of Millennium Healthcare, a holistic medical center; Avatar Cancer Center, an alternative cancer treatment institute and Plastikos, a holistic plastic surgery center.