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Speculative Boston Reading Series

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Date and time
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Speculative Boston is a reading series for science fiction, fantasy, and horror of all kinds. This talk includes authors K. Chess and Max Gladstone, who talk about their latest works and the wonders of speculative fiction! K. Chess is author of _Famous Men Who Never Lived_ and Max Gladstone discusses his newest book, _Empress of Forever_. Image: [Pexels.com](http://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-ceramic-cup-and-saucer-next-to-a-pile-of-books-on-wooden-park-bench-2669380/)

K Chess is the author of _Famous Men Who Never Lived_ (Tin House Books, 2019). Her writing has appeared in The Chicago Tribune’s Printer’s Row Journal, PANK, Salon, Tor.com and other outlets. Her short stories have been honored by the Nelson Algren Literary Award and the Pushcart Prize. K earned a BA from Vassar College and an MFA from Southern Illinois University. She was awarded a W.K. Rose Fellowship in the Creative Arts. She reads fiction for Quarterly West and teaches writing at GrubStreet in Boston and Rhode Island. Image: [Writer's Site](http://kchesswriter.com/)
Max Gladstone has been thrown from a horse in Mongolia and nominated twice for the John W Campbell Best New Writer Award. Tor Books published _Four Roads Cross_, the fifth novel in Max’s Craft Sequence (preceded by _Three Parts Dead_, _Two Serpents Rise_, _Full Fathom Five_, and _Last First Snow_) in July 2016. Max’s game _Choice of the Deathless_ was nominated for a XYZZY Award, and _Full Fathom Five_ was nominated for the Lambda Award. His short fiction has appeared on Tor.com and in Uncanny Magazine. His most recent project is the globetrotting urban fantasy serial _Bookburners_, available in ebook and audio from Serial Box, and in print from Saga Press. Image: [Writer's Site](http://www.maxgladstone.com/)