Mitchell Joachim shares some of his 'out of this world' thinking regarding the future of automobile design. Joachim's work is to rethink car design based upon more humanistic principles. From the history of alternative urban design to his own work with Frank Gehry on a Soft Car with omnidirectional wheels and human friendly design, Joachim peers into a future very different from today's SUV-filled one.
Mitchell Joachim is acknowledged as an innovator in ecological design and urban design. He is also a researcher and architectural educator. Mitchell Joachim's specific professional interest has been adapting principles of physical and social ecology to architecture, urban design, transport, and environmental planning. He is a Co-Founder at Terrefuge and Terreform ONE. Currently he is faculty at Columbia University and Parsons. Formerly an architect at Gehry Partners, and Pei Cobb Freed. He has been awarded the Moshe Safdie Research Fellowship, and the Martin Family Society Fellow for Sustainability. He won the History Channel and Infiniti Design Excellence Award for the City of the Future, and *Time Magazine* Best Invention of the Year 2007, for the MIT Car with MIT Smart Cities. His project, Fab Tree Hab, has been exhibited at MoMA and widely published. He was selected by *Wired magazine* for "The 2008 Smart List: 15 People the Next President Should Listen To". *Rolling Stone* *magazine* also honored Mitchell as an agent of change in "The 100 People Who Are Changing America".