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Smart Water—Smart Cities: A Cleantech Event

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Date and time
Thursday, December 1, 2016

"If water is the essential ingredient of life, then water supply is the essential ingredient of civilization,” said Professor David Sedlak in his book, _Water 4.0_. It is estimated that it will cost the US $384 billion to upgrade the US water infrastructure, and this number is likely to increase, given the stressors from increasing population, climate change and water pollution. As a result, many cities are looking to new technologies to help them efficiently produce fresh, clean water for its residents. Cities face many pressing issues regarding their water infrastructure. The most critical water issues relate to improving the fundamental components of our urban water systems. This panel of experts will discuss everything from how to identify the location of the underground pipes and mapping them (these were laid so long ago cities do not know where they are), to instruments that track and analyze leaks. Also on the table: upgrading aging infrastructures, advances in sensor technologies, data analytics and strategic planning to help cities supply the needed amount of revenue to produce clean water at reasonable rates. Image: [Flint River](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Flint_River_in_Flint_MIchigan.jpg "")

As Director of Director of Market Development at Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, Nelson seeks to develop new programs to meet the needs of emerging companies and clean energy market segments. He also manages district energy and microgrid program development, and InnovateMass commercialization acceleration program.
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UMass Amherst; Director of the Water Innovation Network for Sustainable Small Systems (WINSSS)
John Sullivan is the Chief Engineer of the Boston Water and Sewer Commission. Mr. Sullivan has over 41 years experience in water and wastewater engineering. He has a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and an MBA from Northeastern University, as well as a Master’s degree in Emergency Management from Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Mr. Sullivan is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a Certified Operator of Drinking Water Supplies in the Commonwealth. Mr. Sullivan has served on the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Advisory Board since 2005, and currently serves as Commissioner on the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. He currently serves as chair to the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center Commission. Mr. Sullivan also serves on the Board of Directors for both the National Association of Clean Water Agencies and Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies.
Mr. Quigley is recognized as a national technical leader in stormwater design, modeling, data analysis, and field data acquisition and has extensive experience in the execution and management of major compliance auditing and litigation support projects. Mr. Quigley has co-authored a number of national guidance manuals for monitoring of stormwater runoff and evaluating and designing Stormwater BMPs for clients such as the USEPA, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, the Water Environment Research Foundation, and the Federal Highway Administration. In addition to his technical and managerial leadership of a wide range of public and private water resources projects, Mr. Quigley has given many invited talks, regularly speaks at technical conferences, and has authored numerous journal articles.
Scott McCarley focuses on enabling manufacturing customers to leverage the Internet of Things to deliver new value and transform the way they create, operate and service products. Responsible for the leadership of market analysis, solution definition, and go-to-market activities for ThingWorx Smart, Connected Product offerings.